DPAM 5800: Diploma in Public Administration and Management
The Diploma in Public Administration and Management is a three semester course.
The course aims to develop knowledge and skills for candidates seeking or consolidating careers in public administration, public policy and the management of public and non-government organizations. Issues are studied in a regional, national and international context, with a particular emphasis on the African region. It is designed to enhance technical and professional knowledge and skills in Public Management for middle level managers in Government Ministries and Departments, Local Governments, Parastatal Bodies and NGOs.
At the completion of this course students should be able to:
- Demonstrate a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of public administration, policy and management;
- Be familiar with the contemporary theories, trends and developments in public sector administration and management in both developed and developing countries;
- Demonstrate a critical understanding of the changing role of the government and variety of new strategies through which public services are delivered and assessed;
- Understand and appreciate the critical need for public managers to acquire and apply new skills for tackling the challenges of the changing work environment;
- Demonstrate the ability to apply relevant theories in explaining and analyzing real world public administration, policy and management problems.
DPAM 5801: Communication Skills and ICT
DPAM 5802: Introduction to Management and Administration
DPAM 5803: Public Management
DPAM 5804: Strategic Planning and Management
DPAM 5805: Social Statistics
DPAM 5806: Development Administration
DPAM 5807: Research Methods
DPAM 5808: Public Policy and Management
DPAM 5809: Ethics in Public Administration
DPAM 5810: Monitoring and evaluation
DPAM 5811: Organizational Behavior for Service Excellence
DPAM 5812: Financial Accounting and Management
DPAM 5813: Results-oriented Management
DPAM 5814: Economics and Public Finance
DPAM 5815: Human Resource Management
DPAM 5816: Managing Non-Governmental Organizations
DPAM 5817: Sustainable Development
DPAM 5818: Business Management
DPAM 5819: Customer Relationship Management
DPAM 5820: Service Quality Management
DPAM 5821: Project Planning and Management
DPAM 5822: Risk Management Principles and Practice
DPAM 5823: Financial and Resource Management
DPAM 5824: Project
- Minimum qualifications are KCSE C- or KCE Div. 2 or the equivalent
- Certificate in Community development, Social development, Social work, Community Health, Counseling and Psychology.
- Course open to Beginners, Counselors, Pastors, Social workers, Project managers and Fresh students